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Published Books:

The Divine Life – An Eternal Journey

Author : Shri. Sanatan Behera

Published : 15 October 2021

ISBN : 978-93-5493-977-8


The Divine Life evolves with the Divine Knowledge “Divya-Jnana”. It is that transcendental knowledge gained with Pure- Consciousness and self-contemplation. The seekers of it must go through many stringent austerities. One, who desirous of liberation “Mumukshu” must change self-lifestyle and become non-desirous of material world. He must gain knowledge through various ascending stages one by one like – Sadhaka, Yogi, Sanyasi, Tattva-Jnani, Atma-Jnani, Brahma-Jnani, and finally become an absolute Divya-Jnani. 

The knowledge of Divya-Jnana can be gained by reading holy books of various world religions like – in Hinduism - Four Vedas, Vedanta-Sutras, Six Darshans, Eighteen Puranas, One hundred eight Upanishads, Ramayana, and Bhagavad Gita, in Christianity – The Bible, in Islam - The Quran and The Hadiths, in Jainism – The Agamas, in Judaism - The Tanakh and The Talmud, in Sikhism - Guru Granth Sahib, in Taoism - Dao De Jing, in Zoroastrianism - The Avesta etc. One cannot read so may holy books as elaborated above, but to make it easy, as a singularity in single word “Tattvamasi” that can represent to the whole; similarly, a book “The Divine Life” that briefly contents all the knowledges together can be useful for gaining adequate and accurate knowledge.

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This human form of life is an opportunity to gain this Divine Knowledge “Divya-Jnana” and get enlightenment. If you keep yourself away from it and simply tuned up to eat, and sleep then it is sure to be entangled with recycle of birth and death. Before going to reveal “The Divine Life” we should know, what is the main purpose of human birth and why is it called bondage life? How can we get rid of it? And what is the Reality of this evolutionary Universe? This book unveils the hidden treasures of wisdom which can enlighten you from this illusory world. 

There are so many Scholars, Monks, Philosophers, and wise intellectuals who have come and gone, but few of them have preached and shared their self-gained knowledge to mankind, few have established their wisdom right as religion, and there are very few who have self-enlightened and revealed the real cause of the creation of Living Soul “Jiva-atman”, and the purpose of this life and how to lead it. They were the real protagonists of this Paradise who promoted Spiritualism on this earthly planet “Jambu-Dvipa”. Few prominent divine souls among them were Abraham, Mahavir, Gautam Buddha, and Jesus Christ. They never spread dogmatic religion nor promoted it; they were real Spiritual Men. 

There are numerous wonderful meditation practices that can bring you benefit, but only “The Divine Life” a secret technique for meditation can guide you through the shortest possible way to get salvation. The most significant lacking factor is your fickle mind; if you can control your fickle mind, it will settle and become calm. The continuous process of thinking can vanish. The mind will be useful to work without any disturbances. It is called mindfulness “Sthitiprajna”. It will be helpful as a guide in spiritual journey. Its credential goes to Gautam Buddha who taught us how to control our fickle mind by focusing on inhale and exhale breathing and being saturated with breathing awareness, that further leads to self-effulgence “Atma-darshan”. Further, Maharshi Patanjali taught us Ashtanga yoga Pranayama by breath control. Once you determine to learn the basic secrets of meditation, it becomes very significant and easy.

Since the beginning of Universe about 216 crore years apart from Big-Bang; this wonderful celestial evolution is still on going. The Universe is expanding, stars are glowing and dying, planets are revolving and dying; life is creating and destroying; man is taking birth and dying too. Since the biological process is being continued on this earthly planet about 61.7 crore years before (since Caksusa Manvantara); we keep on taking birth and dying. It might be at a primitive level that we were born in species like Eukaryotes and Mammals and till now living at this stage of modern human being. The same practice of birth and death is influencing us. We keep on witnessing our Karmic account “Sanchita karma” and dying and re-appearing too. Is there any way out to get rid of this suffrage? Will this painful cycle of birth, death, diseases, and old-age pain ever be eradicated? How can it be possible? What is the purpose of my birth? Who am I? From where have I come? Am I doing the right thing now? What is the True Reality of this Cosmos? There are so many questions arising in a common man’s mind. 

We have heard from our fore generations, and it is also mentioned in the Vedas that we are fragmental part of God. All existing fragmented souls are fully depended upon the Prime Soul “The God” and are not different from Him, because they cannot exist independently without Him. It means a kind of difference existence which looks separate but entangled eternally with main source of cosmic-conscious “God”. One’s independent existence without God is impossible. The presence of God cannot be scaled out, because of its eternal, internal, and external existence. His presence cannot be encompassed, He is beyond the zenith. For an example, Prana (soul) cannot remain in a body without Vayu (air). If the movement Vayu is disconnected from prana; prana will leave the body without any delay. We call these two components as singular that is Prana-Vayu. It causes the existence of creation in this world. All Jiva- atman are undoubtedly part of It. If we are curious to reach our soul “Prana” then it is only a source that remains with us that is Vayu, our breath that connects us to Prana. As all our breath goes to Prana; if we can follow the flow of breath can reach at Prana (Soul or God) and can explore it. This is called eternal-journey ‘Atma-Jnana’.

Amongst vast kinds of living souls, creation of Human being is one of the crucial phenomena in this Universe. The human body has been placed at such a level of consciousness that; it is the highest level of consciousness amongst the entire gross bodied Jiva-atman and the lowest level of consciousness of all subtle bodied Jiva-atman and having all the 84 lakh characteristics of all living creatures. Gross Body Jiva-atman means creatures having physical body, for example animals, birds, plants, bacterium etc. Whereas subtle body Jiva-atman means the creatures having subtle body ‘not gross body’, for example Imps, Ghosts, Demi-gods, Angels, Lyrics (Gandharvas), Sages, Great Sages, etc. It is said that humans stand in mid-way between Heaven and Hell. The creation of our human body is a miracle in this wonderful Paradise. It is a highest conscious amongst all animals. Our body designed in such a fashion that we can develop our mental power to sense higher conscious which is beyond a common man’s imagination. Human birth is only that quantified degree of consciousness where we can understand and analyse the Animates (Finites) or Inanimate (Infinites). We can be able to develop our mind to know subtle consciousness or cosmic consciousness. One who seeks liberation “Mumukshu” must occur the knowledge of infinite world rather than entangled with this grossly substitutes. It can be said that human life is the door to Heaven. In this book we shall learn how to open that door and get entry. Let us set forth in detail about the spiritual wisdom.

Your real worth living is to earn virtual capital during your stay here. It is karmic capital that nobody can withdraw and steal, it is the worthiest gem alike. It remains attached to us like fragrances of flowers attached to air. This capital takes you closer to the Almighty. Material capital is worthless and impermanent. It cannot be carried away as subtle essence like fragrances of flower. Even your property and gross body will remain here. Your reality is infinitude, you cannot carry finitudes. Spiritual capital is virtuous and makes you victorious, whereas material capital is vicious. Spiritual capital liberates, whereas material capital punishes.

The main objective of this book is to show the real identity of mankind and the principle of leading a happy life. It establishes the confidence to live consciously as God.

ॐ Namah Shivaya

Coming Soon

Mukti-Path [मुक्ति-पथ]

Author : Shri. Sanatan Behera

Published : 1 August 2018

ISBN : 978-93-8749-809-9

PREFACE [प्रस्तावना]

यह पुस्तक “मुक्ति-पथ” में रचीत कथा एक ज्ञान की महासागर जैसे है; जो सनातन धर्म के आधार पर लिखा गया है और तपो-लोक से आया है और पूरे ब्रह्मांडमें फैला हुआ है। इस ज्ञान का उपदेश पूरे ब्रह्मांडमें ऋषि-नारद के कृपा से प्रसारित हुआ था। यह उन चार ऋषि कुमारों का  एक बड़ा आशीर्वाद है, जो इस ज्ञान को पूरे जिव आत्माओं को सही मार्ग  से जीवित हरने के लिए व्यक्त कराए थें। वे चार ऋषि कुमार जिन्होंने ऋषि नारद के गुरु थे और उन्हें ऋषि नारद को यह ज्ञान सिखाया था;  उन के नाम हैं–  सनक  अर्थाक      (प्राचीन),   सनातन   (शाश्वत),    सनंदन (आनंदमय) और सनत्कुमार (सर्बदा युबक)। ये चार ऋषि कुमार आत्माओं भगवान ब्रह्मा के पहले चार बेटे हैं, जो इस भ्रम मृत्यु लोक की दुनिया के प्रकट होनेकी शुरुआत में पैदा हुए हैं। ऋषि नारद ने उनसे ज्ञान सीखा। यह ऋषि कुमार सनातन का एक महा अनुदान था जिसने ऋषि नारद को इस सृष्टि और इसके विकास और यहांतककि इसके सम्पूर्ण विघटन के बारे में ऋषि नारद को पढ़ाया था। उन्होंने समय और अंतरिक्ष के बारे में भी सिखाया, इस भ्रम-दुनिया का निर्माण, विश्वनाटक-माया का प्रकोप और इसमें जीवन का नेतृत्व कैसे किया जाता है?  प्रकृति क्या है? जिव आत्मा क्या है? जन्म और मृत्यु क्या है? मृत्यु और उसके बाद क्या होता है? जिव आत्मा कैसे पीड़ित है और बंधन जीवन का कारण क्या है? जन्म का मुख्य सिद्धांत और जीवन का नेतृत्व कैसे करें? जीवन के हर क्षण में घटित कर्म द्वारा  कौन से कारण और प्रभाव बनतें हैं? प्रकृति के नियम क्या हैं और इसे कैसे उभारा जाए? जीवन की खुशी और मुक्ति कैसे प्राप्तकरें? ब्रह्माण्डीय भूगोल और इसका विस्तार के बारेमे ऋषि नारद को पढाया।

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ऋषि नारद इस ज्ञान को इस मायाबी दुनिया में फैलानेका कार्य किया। क्योंकि, उनके निरंतर यात्रा की शक्ति के कारण, बे पूरे ब्रह्मांड के चारों ओर घूम सकें और इस ज्ञान को जिव अत्मा के बीच प्रचारित करने में सक्ष्यम हुए। सभी मानब और देवताओं को इससे फायदा हुआ। अंतमें जब ऋषि नारद पृथ्वी ग्रहपर उतरे, तो अधिकांश महान आत्माओं ने उनका स्वागत किया और इस ज्ञान को उनसे सीखा। महानव्यक्तित्व ऋषि व्यास ने यह ज्ञान को ग्रंथों में लिखा; बादमें इसे वेदों और पुराणों में परिवर्तित कर दिया गया।


समय की लहर के साथ,  इस ग्रह पर पूरे मानव जाति ने इस ज्ञान को सीखा और इस ज्ञान के वर्णन और उपदेश के अनुसार उन्होने अपने, अपना जीवनका नेतृत्व किया। शुरुआत में यह ज्ञान सनातन कथा के रूप में जाना जाता था। जिन्होंने इस ज्ञान को स्वीकृति किये उन स्वीकृति का अर्थ  धारण" था और बादमें इस धारण को धर्म में परिवर्तित कर दिया गया था। इसलिए सनातन कथा को समय की लहर के साथ "सनातन धर्म में परिवर्तित कर दिया गया था। तबसे इस धरती पर पूरे मानव जाति के कल्याण के लिए इस ज्ञान को प्रसारित किया जा रहा है।


समय के दौरान, कई सिद्ध पुरुषों ने अपने साथी पुरुषों और महिलाओं के बीच इस ज्ञान का प्रचार करना शुरू कर दिया। उनके प्रचार उनकी समझ के स्तर के अनुसार बढ़ते गया और उनकी व्यवहारिक स्थिति और समझ के स्तर पर सीखने में मतभेद पैदा हुआ। समय के स्रोत के साथ एबं भिन्नताओं के असमज्य के अंतर का अनुसार बिभिन्य धर्म का निर्माण हुआ।


अनेक धर्म के प्रचार के कारण अनेक जातीबर्ग का जन्म हुआ लेकिन मूल ज्ञान का सिद्धांत समान बना रहा। यह एक दिव्य ज्ञान है जो मानव जाति को इस मायाबी दुनिया में अपनी जीवनशैली का नेतृत्व करने के लिए आशीर्वाद देता है। अंतमें अपने किआ हुआ कर्म के कारण और प्रभाव के परिणाम स्वरुप मनाब जीवन की खुशी या दुःख का बंधन  पुनर्जन्म"  या मोक्ष्य का कारण बनता है।


आखिरकार इस पुस्तक को लिखने के लिए;  विभिन्न ग्रंथों,  उपनिषदों, कथाएं, श्रीमदभगवतगीता और वेदों से ज्ञान, संग्रह करके एबं लेखक के लौकिक ज्ञान से लिखा गया है। और मानव जाति को शांति और जीवन का सही नेतृत्व प्रदान करने के लिए और मुक्ति "मोक्ष प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया है।

ॐ नम: शिवाय

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