About Us

Our Vision and Mission

Our Vision: 

A vision is something in illusory world is physical awareness of matters, whereas in case of Spiritual world, it is that eternal intellect envisioned to seen in a dream, trance, spiritual ecstasy, lucid dream, or especially a supernatural appearance that usually conveys a revelation, a realistic world of infinite Truth. Spiritual visions generally have more clarity than dreams, but traditionally fewer psychological connotations of Spiritual world are Eternal Reality. Spiritual visions are known to emerge from cosmic spirituality and could provide an intellectual binocular to a successful human birth. It is like a tool kit that helps to find a right voyage in rough sea for a blind.

The Divine Life evolves with the Divine Knowledge “Divya-Jnana”. It is that transcendental knowledge gained with Pure-Consciousness and self-contemplation. We have thrived to provide that Spiritual knowledge to those who desirous of liberation “Mumukshu”; who can successfully enter the abode of Heaven.

Our Mission:

Our Spiritual mission is about establishing a set of Human value, principle of Humanly living and belief that gives a meaningful life of Human birth. It conveys the route of success, Happiness in this blossomed Paradise, Right deeds and Right discrimination "Samyak-Jnan", Real wisdom, and Right purpose of human birth.


We should know, what is the main purpose of human birth and why is it called bondage life? How can we get rid of it? And what is the Reality of this evolutionary Universe? Our mission is to unveils the hidden treasures of wisdom which can enlighten you from this illusory world.


Shri. Sanatan Behera

            Shri. Sanatan Behera

By the grace of God, I have fully devoted my life in services of mankind to preach awareness of Truly living and the Real purpose of human birth. It is for the well being of mankind who seeks liberation. The hidden secret treasures for the seekers of salvation have been bestowed here in this platform “Divine Life”. The quest for divine life “divya-Jivan” is easily accessible here. It was long struggle, hard penance, and throbbing austerity by which the real root of salvation has been brought to light. Human with socio-robotic life can easily change to spirituality if they have a little interest. Again, the spiritual life is not the solution for salvation; it further requires fundamental techniques to adopt stringently. It is life changing principle, that one must undergo to get liberation. A very few pious amongst many can achieve it. All the guidelines related to Salvation are briefly explained and easy to understand in this platform. It can inspire and encourage all mankind to realize their self-effulgence. One can unveil the real cause of his birth. What is the subtle projection of human body and role of the soul? One can understand who he is, and what relation he has with God? What is the role of cosmic energy and how it influences lives in nature? What is birth and death and what lays beyond it? What is salvation and how to gain it? Moreover, how this mortal paradise has become an illusory playground? What is the role of this mortal nature, it has been described very briefly here in this platform for you.

Om Namah Shivaya

Be Happy.


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